Saturday, March 24, 2018

Bittersweet Story of 3x3=9 Children...

November 23rd, 2017

I lost myself in the Aegean Sea. My body scattered, none of the pieces of mine comes ashore...

In this worldly life, evil is common, stormy bad news are like breezes... Rana hears that her husband will be imprisoned after the court. She cannot stand it and hospitalized. Taken to intensive care, sent home with a hearse. Her three children are orphans...

While three children become orphans, other three walk to eternity in the sea.
Maden family’s right to life is taken away. The police raided their house again and again. So family goes on a hazardous journey. What happens next, you know. Our humanity washes ashore…

At about the same time, camp authorities brings me an envelope. Inside, a paper indicates that we can have resident permit. And three other children gains right to live in Europe.

I am like a bride, getting married after the day her father died.

How to afflict your stomach by eating hot and sour together? This good news flow through my cells like a cancerous stomach’s pain. My thoughts go back. The cost of not to obey to the tyranny means good news to someone while means lives other. Thinking these, I fly far far away…

After that moment, pain never offers me a meal, hope never salutes…

It’s not loneliness, it’s the desolate. Like Rabiyat-ul Adeviyye, may God be pleased, I want my knees to touch my prayers’. I look for brightness from prayer’s knees.

Oh God…

Once, Hussein martyrized in Karbala.
Our Hussein gave his life in cold waters.
Pained weak people of us, praying on our knees,
Waiting for a piece of light from you…

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