Sunday, January 21, 2018

Organic Toys

A victim I know for years...

Her husband is not arrested, but unemployed for about two years. She makes organic toys by herself. House’s keep is earning by those organic toys. I appreciate that family’s elbow grease without frustration. I think over and over about how to help them and an idea appears in my mind. Supporting someone in their hard time and being happy with their happiness… I order toys to the country I live, and my friend starts to knit. She knits and knits. Toys are ready after two months. It’s time to pack them and send by cargo. When they are on cargo, my friend calls. ‘’Officials may open and check the cargo. And they may even send it back.’’ She warns. I said it was ok and requested her to send it anyway.

I start praying God as soon as I close the phone. I am the only Turk in the camp. Lonely. I try to soothe myself. Routine daily talks get more with the sentences ‘’It would come, relax, why would it be returned? Don’t bother...’’

Every night when I wake up, I pray for the cargo to arrive safely.

I get my package, without seeing what I was afraid of, after about three weeks.

The toys my friend knitted. Normally, toys like these are made by
special machines. But my friend didn't have a machine like that...

And we start selling them. Online and by hand, we give toys and take money. The toys are selling from €10 up to €30 one by one.

Earning again and again and we had €300. Surprised. I know the reason why we had this quick result and I praise my God. We send the money to the needers and continue to spinning the wheel.
As I learn with those sellings, if I pray with pure good will, it will be accepted.

If I purely and simply and only wish to help someone really needs help, all the doors in front of me opens quickly.

Another thing that I learnt with these sellings; even if I pray for hours and days all time, it doesn’t work unless I feel my will inside and becomes a bunch of tears and cries.

Just like the lives became bunches of tears and cries…

Those lives are echoes of my will-less prayings. This truth comes like a very hard slap on my face during the night.

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